ITS America has recognized ITS Arizona as the outstanding state chapter in Division II. ITS America honored ITS AZ at the 2019 ITS America Annual Meeting held in Washington, DC. The award is a recognition of ITS AZ efforts in strong and engaging chapter governance, significant impact via networking, outreach, and advocacy effective organization and professional development.

With a strong membership, volunteers and leadership on the board,  ITS Arizona conducts social and networking events regularly to promote collaboration among our members. Our networking events provide a means for members to meet and interact outside a work environment. Our social events include several service events which provide the opportunity to use our platform to bring positive change to society and promote social consciousness amongst our members. We use e-mail and website to inform our members about new developments in our industry, webinars and other training opportunities for our members. Through job posting services, we promote new opportunities available for students and working professionals. We regularly partner with other professional organizations such as Arizona ITE, Arizona International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) and WTS for joint meetings, social events and student internship sponsorships.

Thanks to all the members, and volunteers for this national level recognition!!